Subject: ❌ Stop Selling Yourself On Autopilot

Hello Friend,

Do You Know How to Sell Yourself Effectively?

Maybe or maybe not.
Read this - "Each one of us succeeds to the extent of our ability to sell." – Earl Nightingale
In fact, the truth is, you are selling yourself on AUTOPILOT.
And based on your effectiveness you :
✅Make Money
✅Get Opportunities
✅Build Relationships
✅Live your Life
Here are a few examples of autopilot selling
1-   You don't take initiative at work - You sell the idea that you are not a self-starter.
2-   You don’t share your ideas – You sell the perception that you are not creative.
3-   You don’t speak up in meetings – You sell the perception that you can’t communicate.
4-   You crib about a situation – You sell the perception that you have a poor mindset.
5-   You send generic #resumes for all jobs - You sell the idea that you have a casual approach.
6-   You don’t like, comment & create content on LinkedIn - You sell the perception that you don’t exist.

✅ When you do something, you sell the perception that you ARE WILLING & CAPABLE of doing that.

✅ When you don't do something, you are selling the idea that you ARE NEITHER WILLING NOR CAPABLE of doing that.

And all the Perception that people form about you is your BRAND.

👉You're either building or destroying your brand with your autopilot selling.

👉You must change your brand perception if you really want to achieve your goals.
Willing to work on your brand & sell yourself effectively?
👉Join me today at 7 pm for my Career Branding Masterclass.

Nothing worthwhile is built in a day but every big thing needs to start building up someday.
Let this be the day for you!

Here's your zoom session link 👇


I will keep the doors open at 6:50 PM

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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