Subject: 👋 Let's Break Up With Perfection

Hello Friend,

Ever find yourself stuck in the quest for perfection?

I've been there, and here's a truth I've learned: chasing perfection often lands us right in the arms of mediocrity.

It’s ironic, right?

We wait for that perfect moment or plan, but while we're waiting, we're not moving forward. That's where mediocrity sneaks in, uninvited.

Excellence isn't about getting it perfect every time. It's about jumping in, even when things are a bit rough around the edges.

Those imperfect steps? They're the ones that propel us past the ordinary, into the extraordinary.

So, how about we make a pact?

Let’s drop the perfection act.

Whether it's a new project, an idea, or a dream – let's just start, ready or not. It’s in the doing, the trying, the messing up, and then trying again, that we really find excellence.

Speaking of taking steps, I've got something exciting for you.

Did you know that over 3000 professionals in my community CBH, just like you, once at a similar crossroads, are transforming their careers?

Today, their LinkedIn profiles shine, their resumes get top picks, their content goes viral, and they're winning clients left and right.

Their secret? They just started, without waiting for the perfect moment.

If you're ready to join their ranks, why not start with my masterclass tomorrow 10th Jan at 7 PM?

This is your chance to begin your journey towards excellence, joining a community that's already making waves.

Let's do this together.

Looking forward to seeing you at the masterclass.

Click on this button below to join the Zoom session tomorrow at 7PM👇

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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