Subject: 🌟 Grab Your Instant ₹4500 Gift for 2023 & Join Us Tonight at 7:30 PM!

Hello Friend,

Wow, 2023 has flown by, hasn’t it?

As we stand on the cusp of a brand new year, I’m reaching out to personally invite you to our community's end-of-year gathering tonight at 7:30 PM.

😊It’s a casual affair – just us getting together to share laughs, stories, and maybe even some reflections on the year that’s been.

I’ve enjoyed having you as part of our community.

Whether you've been here for a long or are one of our newer faces, you've added something special, and I'm grateful for that.

It's the unique blend of people like you that makes our group what it is.

📣And hey, I’ve got some great news too!

As a little thank you from all of us on the CBH team, we’ve got a special deal on our Goa Retreat tickets for you (April 19th & 20th 2024).

The ticket is priced at ₹25,000 plus GST, which totals up to ₹29,500.

This covers your event cost + 2 days' Stay in the 5-star property of Planet Hollywood + All meals.

And here’s the kicker – we’re waiving the GST of ₹4500 on the ticket!

So, if you book your ticket before December 31st, you get to save ₹4500! 💰

You can choose to pay 25000/- by

1- Gpay/Paytm at 6356515151

2- Pay by Card with this Goa Ticket link

🥳Tonight’s about relaxing, having fun, and just being together as a community. Your presence would make it all the more special.

I hope you can make it.

Can’t wait to see you there and usher in 2024 with good company and good vibes & of course some new surprises!


Join us at 7:30 for the Party with this link 👇

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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