Subject: ⚡ Exciting Updates: Brandathon Mission 5 & Legends Coaching Orientation

Hello Friend,

First & foremost congrats on being a legend...

We've planned out some really valuable stuff that's going to skyrocket your brand & your career to the moon...

Today's Agenda👇

We are meeting for our Brandathon Mission 5 -" Resume /Portfolio Creation" This session will provide you with expert guidance on crafting a powerful resume that stands out.

Date: 5th July 24

Time: 7:30 PM

Link: [Join Brandathon Mission 5]

Tomorrow's Agenda👇

You'll get ALL the details about our comprehensive support at the Legends Coaching Support Orientation session happening tomorrow at 11:00 AM.


  • Meet Your Coaches and understand the coaching schedule & process

  • Eligibility Details and program benefits

  • Q&A Session and enrolment steps

>>>here's the joining link for the same

If you are a previous batch legend please do attend this orientation so that you can see the benefits of this support & make an informed decision to join the upgraded Legends program.


We had a law of attraction coaching scheduled for July 6th, 7:30 PM.

That is postponed to July 9th, 7:30 PM (Tuesday) because my flight had a last-minute schedule change. Will share deatils about this soon.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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