Subject: ❌ Don't be a part of commodity crowd

Hello Friend,

Sameness Sucks – Gary Hamel

Millions coming out with similar degrees,
ready with similar resumes, looking for similar pay package to do similar jobs.

And every one saying the same

Buy me, pick me, choose me, hire me, pay

And the world hears.., Blah! Blah!

If, you are just like others you are a part of commodity crowd & for commodities people pay the cheapest.

So, how will you stand out & make yourself a PREMIUM PRODUCT?

The answer is in your Brand/Reputation/Image

📌Your Brand is what people see, feel,
think, do or say when they come in your contact.

📌Your brand is the perception people have
about your capabilities.

If they find you just like everybody
else, they would rather choose the cheapest, closest or most convenient.

Whether you are looking for a job or
business from a client, you are in a competition.

📌You know you are unique, skilled &
talented however, if you are not getting results, chances are that you are not skillfully packaging & communicating your capabilities to others.

If you are tired of NOT getting results, I invite you to join me in my Masterclass tomorrow 30th OCT at 11 AM to learn -

"How to build an effective Personal & Career Brand that gets you what you want".

The doors will open at 10:50 am 

Click on this link to join the session👇

To Your Brand's Success
Sakshi Chandraakar

P.S - If you have already attended my sessions, think you know the branding process & still haven't started working on your brand, it's time you change your approach. Sometimes doing thinks all alone gets tiring & demotivating.

Here's what my community students have to say about their career branding journey
Sakshi Chandraakar, Jankalyan Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400095, India
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