Subject: 🔥 Brandathon Mission 2 : Market Research @ 7:30 PM


Congrats you've made it to mission #2 of the Brandathon!

We're making clean & steady progress...

Do not skip, ignore or miss these Brandathons.

It's fastest path to score your Dream Career.

Today sharp at 7:30 PM we've Brandathon mission #2.

Mission #2 = Market Research

You already know what your Niche is from Mission #1.

(if not, it's fine - keep reading)

We'll be building on that today, where we'll narrow down the precise list of companies & roles that you'll be targeting....

In case, you missed mission #1, it's totally fine. You still have time.

Show up for today's mission.

And then complete both mission #1 & #2 this week.

(before next Friday)

Here's the steps:

  1. >>Register For The Mission #2 Here<<

  2. Show up at sharp 7:30 PM.

  3. Log in from your laptop

  4. Sit in an undistracted place

  5. Keep your camera ON.

This session will be around 2 hrs : 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Join with this link 👇

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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