Subject: 🚀 Boost Your Pay by 5% & See a ₹1.5 Million Rise in 10 Years

Hello Friend,

Did you know your 5% pay increase today might result in an extra 1.5 million over the next ten years?

In the complex job market of India, salary negotiations are both an art and a science.

Many people stick to the fundamentals, however, digging deeper might provide remarkable insights.

Here are 6 things you must consider while negotiating your offer.


1-     City Dynamics - Cities like Indore or Kochi offer fantastic lifestyles with moderate earnings, whereas metro areas set salary standards. Think about the local dynamics and cost of living.

2-     The Bigger Picture: While CTC is essential, have an open mind. Workplace flexibility, access to upskilling opportunities, and health insurance can all have a big impact on employment happiness.

3-     Culture and Career Development: A supportive workplace culture and a clear path for career advancement can overcome marginally better income elsewhere. Check the goals and values of the company.

4-     Long-Term Vision: Ponder your 5-year plan. A role with expansive exposure, even at lesser pay, can boost your career in the long run. Think carefully about your five-year plan.

5-     Negotiation etiquette: In India, how you negotiate might be just as important as the actual discussion. Approach with respect, backed by research, and foster open dialogue.

6-     Future Benefits: Some businesses may provide profit-sharing or stock options that guarantee long-term advantages. A somewhat lower first compensation can pave the way for a higher reward later.

Each move in the dance of compensation negotiations has significance.

Consider the big picture, plan, and keep in mind that value, not just numbers, is important.

💥In our CBH community, we proudly showcase multiple instances of professionals achieving 100% salary hikes.

Just think about the exponential growth they'll experience in the coming decade!"

🔥Join me in my Career Branding Masterclass tomorrow and become a part of a community of 2500+ professionals who are rebranding themselves and attracting 100% hikes.

Date: 1st Oct (Sunday)

Time: 4 PM

Click on this link to enter the session 👇

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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