Subject: 📩 An Invitation From the Legends

Hello Friend,

Today I'm writing you on behalf of all our Legends in our community.

📌Legends in our community are professionals who have embraced a path of extraordinary personal and professional growth, setting unparalleled standards for themselves and achieving them through self-transformation.

From the outside, they look just like any normal human being but from the inside, they are different because of their willingness to change & grow.

All these legends joined our community just like you as a leader and had a small goal of finding a better job, promotion, or growth in their business.

But then something shifted for them in the process.

They identified that they are not born to play the smaller game & that they have the potential to grow exponentially.

But they noticed they had a little voice stopping them from growing big & taking risks.

A little voice that's in each one of us

Do you ever think to yourself

"am I too old for this?"

"am I too young for this?"

"am I really good enough?"

"what if people laugh at me?"

"will I be able to prove myself?"

"will be able to make it big in the world?"

"why must I go out of my comfort zone now? I'm happy..."

What you hear is your little voice

This little voice of self-doubt is only trying to protect you.

But there is a CATCH!!

This same little voice that's trying to protect you is also sabotaging your success.

Only you have the power to reset this little voice & redefine yourself.

📌My life changed when I conquered my little voice, and this exactly is what all the legends did.

They took the leap of faith and followed the system no matter what, and conquered that little voice inside. And usually, that leap of faith begins with investing in their own education to upgrade their Skillset & Mindset.

So, today, I along with all my legends invite you to a special learning session to help you conquer your little voice.

This session is for you only - if you truly want to see yourself achieving bigger things in your life, if you really want to create an impact in the lives of people around you & if you want to create a legacy that would remind the world of you long after you are gone.

I promise to be there every step of the way along with all the amazing legends.

The question is are you willing to play BIG?

If yes, then join me tomorrow at 7:00 PM sharp to learn the 👇

"4 M formula to bring exponential growth in your personal & professional life".

I would really appreciate it if you could take out a little time to read this newsletter created by our legends & accept their invitation.

And I would meet you live tomorrow 11th June at 7 PM (IST)

Note - this session will not be recorded so pls block 90 mins for this session.

Register for the session now 👇

Let me know if you are joining me tomorrow.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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