Subject: ⚡ 6 Steps to Manifesting your New Job or Promotion

Hello Friend,

Yesterday, we talked about reasons for not getting jobs because - WE MANIFEST WHAT WE EXPECT.

Today I would love to share 6 steps to help you- MANIFEST WHAT YOU WANT.

The job, salary hike, promotion, that car, your dream house... everything is already here in the universe.

You simply need to start attracting it by raising your energy frequency & becoming someone worthy of those things.

Here are the 6 Steps you need to follow👇

1-Get Rid of Self-limiting Beliefs

Your past experiences & conditioning has created several doubts in your mind.
Stop operating from guilt, fear, shame, anxiety, pride or jealousy.
This gives out low-vibes about you to the universe & others.

2- Be Clear About Your Goal

Identify your niche. Be specific about what job/role/company you want.
Only when you know what you exactly want & why you want it, will you be able to manifest it well.

3- Visualize Yourself In Your New Job/ Position

Your energy creates your reality. Your feelings are the real attractor.
Picture yourself in the new role, office, clients, colleagues etc.
Think about how excited the role will be. How would you feel being supported & appreciated.

4- Script It Down

Scripting is creating your reality through writing down your goals & dreams repeatedly.
Writing activates both left & right brain.
Your brain starts sending subconscious signal to every cell of your body that you want something & then you start seeing opportunities every where.

5- Prepare Yourself

Become aware about your shortcomings.
What skills you need to learn? What expertise you need to build? What learnings you need to acquire?
Write down everything that will stop you from achieving your goal & then start investing in them.

6- Show Gratitude & Relax

Express Gratitude for everything you have. The opportunities you get, the people who support or guide you & the way you are changing.
And don’t worry. You are doing alright & universe will give you when it’s time.

This is a transformational process of REBRANDING YOURSELF.

For me this is Personal Branding!

Yes, your resume, interview skills, appearance, experience etc will certainly matter but 80% of results will come from your Mindset.

If you are willing to raise your frequency & learn the Personal Branding concepts, Join me today in the Masterclass@ 4:00 PM

The doors will open 10 mins before the session🙋‍♀️

Here are the session details 👇

Meeting ID: 862 0564 2051
Passcode: PBM

Here's the access link to the session


Sakshi Chandraakar
Sakshi Chandraakar, Jankalyan Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400095, India
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