Subject: 🔥 4 Essentials to Craft Your Personal Brand

Hello Friend,

Your personal or career branding is no different than the branding of any products or services.

You are a human product

You are a business of one.

Whether you are looking for employment or business, people will check your reputation (both online & offline).

You already are a brand. You already have a reputation or image in the eyes of others.

What's important is to👇

📌Be aware whether that image/ brand is consistent & in alignment with who you really are.

📌 Identify if that brand is bringing you the results you expect or desire.

Here are 4 essentials you must focus on to establish yourself as a knowable, likeable, trustable & valuable brand especially on social media 👇

It's not just about the number of followers, it's about

1- Creating insightful CONTENT

👉 Your audience want to know how you think, feel, act & behave

2- Building TRUST

👉People buy product or services from people they trust. Build relationships not transactions.

3- Generating INTEREST

👉The attention span of average human being is 8 seconds so be interesting & look appealing

4- Focussing on ENGAGEMENT

👉 The more you engage with your audience the more awareness you create about yourself. Give before you ask.

Are you creating a brand people want to associate with?

Are you bringing in valuable content people love to engage with?

Are you building relationships people can value & trust?

Are you projecting yourself as an interesting & appealing brand that people would want to work with?

📌If not, you can start today infact, at this very moment.

Which one of the 4 essentials you need to work upon?

To your Brand's Success
Sakshi Chandraakar
Sakshi Chandraakar, Jankalyan Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400095, India
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