Subject: Lesson Planning for the Differentiated Classroom

Dear Friend,

Following the reprint of 'Changing Education' published by Good Luck Publishers, I am pleased to announce the release of the second supporting booklet in the 'Changing Education Series' published by MAW Publications, 'Lesson Planning for the Differentiated Classroom'.

This book provides you with examples of a differentiated lesson plan for kindergarten, English language learning, secondary English literature, primary and secondary mathematics, primary science, secondary environmental studies, primary geography and secondary history lessons.
It also explains what you need to know about your students before you begin to write your lesson plan. This book is a must if you want all your students to succeed at their own level, whether gifted or talented, of average ability or a student with learning or physical needs.

It is a useful reference book for all busy teachers: Early Years, Primary and Secondary.
Lesson Planning for the Differentiated Classroom
Coming soon: the third book in the series
  • Information technology: Teaching and Learning for the Digital Age
If you think one of the other teachers in your school, or someone else you know, would be interested in either of these books, please feel free to forward this email to them. 

Best wishes,

Margaret Warner
MAW Education