Subject: Mac Users: MathRider Fix Available

Update for Mac Users of MathRider V7

Dear Friend

We have just issued a new version specifically for the Mac. If you are using MathRider on Windows, you can ignore this email completely.

Some macOS users reported to us that the game was hanging on start-up when an old version of MathRider was present on their system.

This was due to a permissions problem that occurred while the game was trying to copy the old player database and convert it to Version 7 format.

We have now fixed the issue and if you encountered the problem, you can download the new working version from our installation page here:

MathRider Installation Page

There are no other changes in the game, so if you did not encounter the problem, you do not need to download and install the updated version.

Best regards,
Thomas and the MathRider Team

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