Hello Friend!
What if you thought about your expertise as if it was a physical product? I bet you would not give it away so easily. Well I jumped on Facebook Live and talked about this topic. It must have resonated with people because there are over 1,000 views on this video. CLICK HERE to watch it!
This is exactly why I created Product and Course Academy. Your expertise has value...FYI- Enrollment closes on Monday, February 3, 2020.
Here are some common FAQs:
➳ When does Product & Course Academy start? Monday, February 10, 2020
➳ If I choose, the weekly payment option, what day is the payment due? The payment due date is based on the date of your first payment. For example, if you pay today, the next payment will be billed 7 days from today. There are a total of 8 payments of $125 each.
➳ Are the sessions LIVE ? YES, the sessions are with me and LIVE using Zoom.
➳ Are the sessions recorded and if so how long do I have to access them? YES, you receive lifetime access to the video recordings in our academy portal.