Subject: Friend, I'll Never Forgot This Day...

I wanted to share a story with you real quick that I'll never forget...

It was the very first time I experienced the power of betting investment…

I had just finished university and was working full-time in a bar, and didn't really have a clue what I was going to do with my life...

But, there was one thing that I'd always wanted to experience, that really called out to me at the time …

During the previous, “student years” I'd often had to miss holidays or opportunities to visit new places, just to pay the bills...

But I'd always wanted to take a year out, and go travelling in Australia...

I had a bit of money stored away for a rainy day, but to afford my dream of travelling, I really needed to save another £5,000.

At the time, I was earning around £12K per year from my job, and perhaps another £1,000 from a couple of decent strategies I'd developed over my five or so years in the betting game...

In other words, not enough to afford what I wanted!

So I decided to take a calculated risk, and invest what I had stored away into my betting strategies.

Long-story-short, I ended up making over £6,000 within the next 6 months. It was the most money I’d ever made betting...

And I would have had to double my hours at work to make that much extra money! And, I'd saved up more than enough to make my travel dreams a reality.

The feeling was simply indescribable…

I knew at that moment, that I would never have to truly worry about money again... 

As long as I kept some money invested in my betting strategies, I could generate an ongoing income stream to use for the things I truly wanted in life.

That’s the moment I realised the power of betting investment…the power of having a skill-set that allows you find profitable wagers on demand, and generate an additional stream of revenue...

That income would continue to grow over the next few years, until I was taking home five figures on an average year.  

Rest-assured... the ability to find profitable bets on demand is an extremely valuable asset. One that you can take with you no matter what you do, or where your ventures take you.

So what does this have to do with you?

Well if you watched my entire webinar last week, you know that during the last 15 minutes of the training session, I offered to help you learn the exact process I use to profit from my betting, and gain this powerful skill-set yourself.

Starting this week, I’m taking on a FINAL group of betting enthusiasts, and help them set up this entire system, step-by-step before I take my much needed sabbatical, and I want to invite you to join me.

It’s an eight week implementation program I’ve named, “Master Your Betting”, and it’s specifically designed to help you build a betting strategy that WORKS, and create a substantial revenue stream from scratch using the exact same method that I just showed you in the webinar above.

If you want to profit without spending a ton of money on the advice of the so-called experts …

If you want to become a trusted and respected sports betting authority within your social circle…

And if you want to create the kind of simple, tax-free revenue stream that can increase your annual income by £5,000 to £15,000 in the next year...

Then this implementation course is specifically for you...

I've posted all of the details about the program here, but you'll need to be quick because registration closes on Thursday.

 - Michael Carr

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