Subject: You're Invited! Join Us for Thankful Thursday!

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Farmer Gardener Consumer Collage
Thursday, August 23
Hi Friend,

This week, we are excited to share with you our new Thankful Thursdays campaign and hear what makes you thankful. We are also introducing our partnership with Serenity Kids, the first pouch-delivered Paleo baby food, and recapping the 2018 Profitable Farm Workshop season. 

Thank you for reading, and have a great week!

Farmer Gardener Consumer Collage Square
Thankful Thursdays 

We are launching a new campaign, Thankful Thursdays, and we want to hear from you! We want to know why you are thankful for your farmers, why you are thankful for the opportunity to grow your own food or for your community, or simply what having access to farm-fresh food means to you. We will be sharing the feedback we receive every Thursday on social media. Please send your feedback to and let us know how and why you are thankful and if you permit us to share your feedback.

Take your appreciation further and DONATE! We have set up a new system for making donations in a snap! Please consider setting up a recurring donation or making a one-time donation on the launch of Thankful Thursdays. Your contributions will have a real impact for our real food community—just a $10 monthly recurring donation would make a significant difference for our members. Show your support as a friend of the farm, and tell our farming community how important they are.

Participate in Thankful Thursday HERE
Serenity Kids Products
Serenity Kids

While planning for their future family, Joe and Serenity Carr launched Serenity Kids, the first pouch-delivered Paleo baby food offering a well-balanced ratio of protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

In addition to delivering stellar nutrition, Serenity Kids is also conscious about sourcing the raw ingredients for their products and supporting small family farms. They have also pledged to donate 1 percent of their profits to the FTCLDF! Whether or not you are in the market for baby food, we strongly encourage you to check out Serenity Kids' products, made by a community of people who truly share our values and are using their platform to do some real good in the world.

Learn More About Serenity Kids HERE
Profitable Farm Workshop Collage
The Profitable Farm Workshops Recap

This year we held two workshops: the first in St. Paul, Oregon at Champoeg Creamery and the second at Marksbury Farm Market in Lancaster, Kentucky. Both featured informative sessions led by Charlotte Smith of 3 Cow Marketing, Elizabeth Rich of FTCDLF, and Joel Salatin of Polyface Farms. The days included networking, lunch, and ample time for questions and interactions with our dynamic speakers. 

The feedback has been terrific! We are already planning for the 2019 Profitable Farm Workshops. Please SIGN UP to join the mailing list to be first to know when 2019 dates and locations are announced. A huge thank you goes out to our workshop hosts, speakers, and AMAZING volunteers who made the events possible. We are so grateful for their support!
Who We Are/What We Do

Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF), a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, defends the rights and broadens the freedoms of family farms and artisan food producers while protecting consumer access to raw milk and nutrient-dense foods.

Learn more About Us. | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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