Subject: You Should Have the Right to Choose Raw Milk

Hi Friend,

Many of our farmer members produce raw (unpasteurized) milk from clean pastured animals, for eager customers. Some customers swear by its health benefits like curing allergies and asthma. And others want their milk raw to create higher quality products like raw milk cheese, yogurt, and kefir for their families.

We work hard to protect access to this food. We believe that American families should have the right to choose their own food. Last December, we sent an action alert to all readers about the Interstate Milk Freedom Act. The Act would prohibit federal interference with interstate transport of raw milk. If you haven’t already taken action, it’s not too late! See the full action alert HERE.

We also sent out action alerts for bills that would increase access like in Washington state (HERE) and that would make it harder for producers like in Kansas (HERE). In this case, the Senate Agriculture cancelled a hearing to address the proposals. We expect to hear about a rescheduled hearing, so please check for our next action alert.

For some small farmers, being able to sell raw milk is what keeps customers coming back every week to buy other products like eggs, meat, and produce. For some small farmers, it’s what keeps the farm afloat.

You deserve the right to choose your own food.

Thanks for all you do and for being a part of this food freedom community. 

Have a great week!

- Alexia

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