Subject: Working with Local Chefs and Restaurants

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Dear Friend,

We’ve talked before about the increased consumer demand for locally and sustainably grown food. That demand includes interest from top chefs and restaurants to provide the best to their customers.

Join us for our third live members-only webinar of the year on Thursday, September 30 at 10 a.m. Pacific, 12 p.m. Central, 1 p.m. Eastern. The topic is “Farm Marketing to Chefs and Retail Customers.”

During this members-only webinar, we'll hear from FTCLDF farmer member Jeff Siewicki about how he turned around his farm business operations by, in part, working with local restaurants. We will hear answers to FTCLDF questions posed to "Top Chef" winner Kelsey Barnard Clark. Now operating her own restaurant and publishing a cookbook called Southern Grit, Kelsey works with local farms to source the freshest local ingredients.

We'll also address some of the obstacles to local sourcing: 
  • from limits on the number of eggs a producer can provide direct to restaurants, 
  • to limits of on-farm processed meat and poultry,
  • to zoning ordinances.
Current members: look out for an upcoming invitation from us to attend the webinar!

If you’re not a member but you’d like to attend, JOIN US by Friday, September 24.


Amelia Martin
Outreach Coordinator | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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