Subject: Who Are Our Members? They Produce Flowers, Kombucha, Oysters and More!

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Dear Friend,

Please spread the word about our membership drive because we would love to be able to serve more food producers and prevent problems before they start. Membership helps support others in the community facing government overreach, legal challenges, and agency investigations. It also supports the work of FTCLDF in changing policy that serves independent food producers. Now’s a great time to be a member and to join because we have discounts, extras, and prizes. Check out membership drive details HERE.

Don’t think membership could benefit you or your local food producer? Of course we have farmer members that produce raw milk and pastured meats. But did you know we also have members that produce oysters, snails, flowers, honey, and mushrooms? And still more that brew kombucha, make tea, create soap and edible skincare, butcher meat, run their own cafes, preserve food by fermenting and canning, and keep backyard chickens and frontyard gardens? Then we have members who don’t produce, preserve, or raise any of their own food but support those who do, like farmers market customers and health practitioners.

Check out who makes up our members HERE.

Hey members and soon-to-be members: Mark your calendars for our next members only webinar on Thursday, March 10 at 1 p.m. Eastern! Our very own member Christopher Simpson of Field of Dreams Farm in Tennessee and our previous Board Member Judith McGeary from our partner organization at Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance will dive deep into the legalities and challenges of custom slaughter of red meat. More details and sign up coming soon.


Amelia Martin
Outreach Coordinator | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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