Subject: What's the Latest with Local Food?

Dear Friend,

Though this year has been one surprise after another, we are grateful that COVID-19 has made the importance of local food apparent in this country. More consumers are scrambling to access the direct-to-consumer market which has benefitted many of our members.

Along those lines, we do have a couple items to report on regarding local food:

Pennsylvania is considering a new agritourism law that provides protection to small farms from frivolous injury claims. Such legislation supports small farms’ ability to gain additional access to revenue to stay open and to provide local food to the community. If you are a Pennsylvania resident and want to take action to support these efforts, read more HERE.

Many of our members are struggling with meat processing. While we continue to work on policy changes to support greater access, consumers may have the ability to obtain local meat through the USDA “personal exemption” to the slaughter requirements. We have re-posted an article written on this topic by attorney Pete Kennedy HERE.

Last, as always, we need your support to continue fighting for local food producers. We will be sending a detailed explanation out soon of what we accomplish with your help. Please consider a donation to your FTCLDF as we all move into this season of thanks and support for what is important to us.

In good health,

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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