Subject: What We Are Up to At FTCLDF

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Dear Friend,

We have been busy at Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) and will be sending another emergency hotline news blotter out soon with more details. In general, we continue to see a good deal of state and local agencies interpreting local statutes in ways that burden independent farmers and food producers and we are seeing a good deal of inspection activity. Farmers are being asked to obtain permits and licenses that we find unnecessary, and are facing government pushback on their farming activities.

Today I wanted to remind folks that in addition to providing necessary legal representation to our members, we have also been working to prepare more educational pieces. Of course, when there is a legal problem, FTCLDF is certainly there to help. Our hope in providing increased education is to help prevent problems before they arise! Contacting FTCLDF to talk through ideas for your farm or food business before making changes is always a great idea. Please make sure your membership with us is up-to-date to receive these consulting services!

We continue to add additional written resources as well. Please expect to see new primers on egg sales and on business formation very soon.

Final Webinar
FTCLDF will conduct its final members’ only webinar for the year on November 3, 2022 at 1pm Eastern, just in time to start thinking about the holidays. We will address the regulation of cottage foods, including typical products that can be prepared in a home kitchen and where these can be sold. FTCLDF will be sending more details soon.

We have been holding quarterly members’ only webinars and had a great turnout for the last one, Raw Milk Review. To access the webinars, please visit our member website and log in with your email address as username HERE

Fundraising Effort
Last, FTCLDF wishes to remind folks that we will be holding fundraiser breakfasts at the Wise Traditions Conference in Knoxville, TN in a few weeks, and would love to see you there! If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for the breakfasts, this is a great way to provide information to hundreds of health-conscious consumers who care about obtaining nutritious food from small farms! In addition, FTCLDF plans to conduct a raffle at the Wise Traditions breakfasts to generate additional funding. If you have products or services you would be willing to include in the raffle, we would so greatly appreciate it. Please contact me at to discuss what you might be willing to donate! 

We anticipate increased litigation soon and need to have the funds ready and available to do so.


Amelia Martin
Outreach Coordinator | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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