Subject: We've Got Your Farmer's Back & Need Your Help!

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Dear Friend,

As we enter the season of reflection and wind down 2022, FTCLDF wishes to extend its gratitude for independent farmers and food producers who work to provide healthy local food.

Even as the number of farmers’ markets and local sales increase, regulators across the country are doubling down to make them more difficult. Thanks to your support we can keep members’ fees low and provide quality services. From encouraging lawful expansion of local sales, to drafting herd-share agreements, to defending against alleged violations, “We’ve got your farmer’s back!”

To support the work of FTCLDF, please click HERE.

YOUR SUPPORT assists independent farmers and food producers throughout the country EVERY DAY. Often, this work is provided in response to calls to our 24-hour hotline, a continued favorite service at FTCLDF.

So far in 2022, FTCLDF:
  • Provided legal and member services through 2,400 interactions with members, donors, and stakeholders.
  • Drafted 100 legal documents and consulted with 200 members regarding dairy herdshare, live animal sales, and flock share agreements.
  • Provided individual and emergency legal consultations to nearly 300 members.
YOUR SUPPORT backs FTCLDF’s fight against increased and unfair food regulation.

In response to continued resistance to local food production, FTCLDF supported members battling:
  • Increased regulation of on-farm poultry processing, such as unnecessary licensing, prohibitions on open air processing, agency practices that discourage on-farm processing, and restricting backyard chickens.
  • Increased enforcement of land-use and zoning ordinances.
  • Increased regulation of on-farm sales.
  • Interference with personal-use and custom meat processing exemptions.
  • Continued resistance to sale, storage, and delivery of raw milk.
  • Barriers to value-added revenues from cottage food production and agritourism.
YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT ensures FTCLDF’s growth and the success of independent producers.

This coming year is the time for FTCLDF’s continued growth. In 2022, FTCLDF grew its Board, and its top litigator is back protecting members. With increased local food production comes increased legal needs and FTCLDF is ready for the challenge. Together, we can increase resources, representation, and work towards policy change that supports independent producers and building a decentralized and resilient food system.

Please consider a donation today!

In good health,

Joe Ramagli, Board President and Alexia Kulwiec, Executive Director | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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