Subject: We’re in Jackson in 2 days! Come Join Us

Dear Friend,

This Friday evening, join us for local beer, wine, appetizers, music, and spirited remarks in Jackson, Wyoming.

We are co-hosting an event entitled Wyoming Food Policy and the Future of Food. Several Wyoming policy makers including Representative and Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) Board member Tyler Lindholm, Representative Mike Yin, Senator Mike Gireau, as well as myself and others concerned with our food system will discuss the Food Freedom Act and potential future policies. Learn about the Act including recent changes, FTCLDF’s role, and join the policy conversation regarding the future of food in Teton County and Wyoming.

Over a local lunch on Saturday, October 3 at the Farm to Fork Festival, myself and four other speakers will address the audience. I will discuss food freedom and how local and some federal regulations can make it difficult for folks to produce food locally. Other events this Saturday include kid-friendly workshops and a farmers’ market.

Learn more about the events or buy tickets HERE.

I’m road tripping there now and hope to see you in Jackson in a couple days!

In good health,

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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