Subject: Visit Us at One-Day Wise Traditions Conference in Winchester, VA

Dear Friend,

Since many of you are members of the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) or at least followers of a more traditional diet, we thought you’d like to know about their event coming up next month.

WAPF is putting on a one-day Wise Traditions Conference in Winchester, Virginia at the Frederick County Fairgrounds on Saturday, April 10. Plus we’ll be exhibiting there, and we’d love to see you in person!

Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm and Sally Fallon Morell author of the Nourishing Traditions Cookbook will be among the speakers. Other speakers are Mary Holland, President and General Counsel of Children’s Health Defense, and Leland Stillman, integrative medical doctor.

This event costs $85 per person and includes a nutrient-dense and delightful lunch.
There’s also an option for dinner and to attend the film screening of Medicating Normal followed by a Q & A with the producer for $50.

Join us for a day of socializing, learning, and delicious yet nutritious food!

Please see more details about our first in-person exhibiting event of the year and register HERE

In good health,

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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