Subject: URGENT: Take Action for Raw Milk in Iowa!

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Hi Friend,

Senate Bill 3126 (SB3126) would permit the sale of raw milk in Iowa directly to the consumer, both on farm and by delivery. Currently, raw milk cannot be sold legally in the state.

What the bill would do:

New Sections 191.9A and 192.145 would permit dairy farms to sell raw milk directly to individuals, prohibiting resale. The milk could be sold on farm or made available for delivery. On Monday, February 14, 2022 at 2:30 pm, the Senate Commerce Subcommittee will hold a hearing on the bill at the Capitol.

If you are able to attend the hearing, please do (there is a Zoom option). Please also consider contacting your state senator.
Please see action steps below and share this alert with your friends and family in Iowa.

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director
TAKE ACTION #1 - Attend Hearing

If at all possible, attend the February 14, 2022 hearing. The hearing will take place at 2:30 pm in the State Capitol Building:

Room G 15
1007 E Grand Ave
Des Moines, IA 50319

NOTE: You may attend the hearing in person or virtually on Zoom.

If you'd like to attend the hearing live via Zoom and say a few words when the opportunity arises, call the Legislative Information Office after 11 a.m. Monday, February 14 at 515.281.5129 so that your email address can be authenticated.

Then you should be able to log into the Zoom and click the hyperlinked word "Agenda" HERE.

We encourage participation in the hearing, whether in person or on Zoom, but if you'd like to simply watch, you may do so HERE.

TAKE ACTION #2 - Contact Your Senator

Call or email your state senator. Phone calls are much more effective than emails.

Don’t know who represents you? Find out HERE.


Topics to consider speaking to:
  • If producer: explain how production would help the economic sustainability of your operations.
  • If producer: explain how raw milk is safe when produced in the right conditions.
  • If producer: explain what demand you see from consumers for this safe product.
  • If consumer: explain why access to raw milk is important to you.
  • Any Iowa constituent: explain the health benefits and safety of raw milk and raw milk products.

If you’d like to make a donation to support the work of Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund to bring you these informative legislative updates and work to improve federal and state laws, please donate HERE. | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
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