Subject: URGENT: Attend North Dakota Hearing to Protect Cottage Foods!

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Hi Friend,

In 2017, North Dakota passed a food freedom bill, permitting direct producer sales of cottage foods to consumers without state or local permitting, certification, inspection, or packaging rules. The Department of Health attempted to create rules that thwarted the new law and failed, and earlier this year there were attempts to change the new law that also failed.

Now the ND Department of Health is again proposing an administrative rule that interferes with the protections of the ND Law.

We need your help defeating the proposed rule.

Please see action steps below and share this alert with your friends and family in North Dakota! 
You can find the link for this alert at


Attend the hearing on Wednesday, October 2 at 1 p.m. to oppose the Department of Health’s proposed rule and to protect food freedom achieved in 2017.

Hearing details:

ND Department of Health
Conference Room 212
Judicial Wing of the State Capital
600 East Blvd. Ave 
Bismarck, ND 58505-0200 [directions]

Producers and consumers alike are needed to oppose the rules and share their experiences with cottage foods and their preference for a direct producer to consumer market for local food. 


Want to do more? 
Submit written comments by October 11 opposing the proposed rule to:

Division of Food and Lodging
ND Dept of Health
600 East Blvd. Ave

Bismarck, ND 58505-0200

The proposed rule contradicts the law passed in 2017 and attempts to accomplish changes to the law that could not be accomplished in the state legislature. 

The proposal would:
  • Prohibit the sale of refrigerated items
  • Prohibit sale of ready to eat products
  • Prohibit sale of low acid canned foods like carrots, beets or beans
  • Implement specific labeling requirements
  • Permit inspection of home food facilities
To read the proposed rules, download a PDF of them HERE 

If you’d like to make a donation to support the work of Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund to bring you these informative legislative updates and work to improve state laws, please donate HERE. | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
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