Subject: URGENT Action in Fauquier Co. Virginia: OPPOSE Rural Lands Chapter Changes Before Thursday's Vote!

Hi Friend,

This action alert is for Fauquier County, Virginia residents. If you are not a resident in that county but know someone there, please share this alert with her/him.

Fauquier County's proposed changes to the Rural Lands Comprehensive Plan could be disruptive and costly for residents.

On Thursday, July 11 at 6:30 p.m., the Fauquier County Virginia Board of Supervisors will vote on changes to the Rural Lands Chapter of Fauquier County's Comprehensive Plan.

On June 14, 2018 the Board of Supervisors initiated updating the Rural Lands Chapter. While the County has had extensive input from and meetings with those in special interest groups over the past year, many Fauquier citizens are unaware of the County's proposed changes called the "Rural Lands Draft Plan."

The County must base the rules, regulations and sometimes costly requirements that residents must live by, and what residents can and/or must do with their property,
on the Comprehensive Plan Chapters.

All Fauquier citizens are impacted by the Rural Lands Chapter, some more directly.
Over 90% of the land in Fauquier is considered "rural lands" and over 50% of the citizens in Fauquier live in "rural lands."

Changes to this plan would likely negatively affect many Fauquier County residents and could: inhibit some residents' abilities to remove a tree or build a barn, decrease resident control over the property's water, increase resident taxes, and sub-urbanize the countryside. 

Please see action steps below.


Ask the Fauquier County, VA Board of Supervisors to vote NO on the new proposed rules at the Thursday, July 11 meeting. Please send an email to each of the Board of Supervisors, emails listed here: 

Sample message:
Hi _____, 

My name is ___ and I am a resident in Fauquier County. I urge you to oppose the changes to the Rural Lands Chapter of Fauquier County's Comprehensive Plan, to be voted on this Thursday, July 11 at 6:30 p.m. [Add just one or two sentences about why you oppose this rural lands draft and how it would affect you if passed.]"

Remember to be polite and to-the-point. See Talking Points below.

If you're able to attend the Fauquier County, VA Board of Supervisors meeting this week, please do. The meeting is on Thursday, July 11 at 6:30 p.m. in:

Warren Green Building
10 Hotel Street
Warrenton, VA [directions]

If you'd like to attend and would like to connect with others attending, please email

Here are the main problems with the proposed Rural Land Development Plan:
  • The plan includes language targeting private property "to gain control of" residents' water. See Q&A of March 2019 video on publicly accessed website:
  • The plan would sub-urbanize the countryside with "clustering" homes, allowing homes every 3 acres around a 50 acre parcel. This policy change could be great for a developer or investor.
  • The plan would include aggressive dark sky lighting standards encouraging "all property owners including agricultural users" to comply, and creating an enforcement environment if anyone complained of the lights. The County’s Zoning Ordinance already has regulations governing outdoor light control.
  • The plan would give local government protection of "Prime Agricultural Soils" on property in the county. The plan as drafted could result in the County limiting private property owners from being able to build their dream home, a barn, plant or remove trees, etc., in a scenic part of Rural Lands, because such actions could obstruct or change an established viewshed that the County wants protected.
  • The plan would strengthen the Purchase of Development Rights (PDR program) that causes residents to bear the increased tax burden in order to carry the  County. The County already has 70% of land in some sort of protection and therefore receives discounted taxes for that 70%.
Learn more about the proposed changes to the Rural Lands Chapter of Fauquier County's Comprehensive Plan at | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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