Subject: URGENT: Act Now for Raw Milk in Georgia!

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Hi Friend,

Currently, it is unlawful to sell or distribute raw milk for human consumption in the state of Georgia.
In February, House Bill 1175 (HB 1175) was introduced, and the House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee is holding a hearing on the matter on February 10, 2022 at 1 p.m.

HB 1175 would allow for the sale and distribution of raw milk in the state of Georgia, upon receipt of a raw milk permit. The bill would require inspection of producers’ facilities and would require regular testing for disease prevention. To view the entire bill and all of its requirements, click HERE.

Please see action steps below and share this alert with your friends and family in Georgia.

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director
TAKE ACTION #1 - Attend Hearing

First, if you can attend the hearing in support of H.B. 1175, please consider doing so. If you need help preparing for this, please contact us at and we will talk you through it.
The hearing is at 1 p.m. in 
room 341 of the Capitol Building
206 Washington Street, S.W.
Atlanta, GA 30334

There will be a sign-up sheet available upon arrival if you would like to speak on this bill and they will do their best to accommodate all speakers. This is a fact-finding hearing to allow the committee to hear from both sides of the issue. If you sign up to speak, please be succinct in your statement.
If you are a farmer, you can provide information on how important this legislation would be for you, to be able to provide a healthy, in-demand product and save local dairies. You may also wish to comment on some of the details, such as the need to provide testing results and how this may impact your ability to produce. As a consumer, you can attest to the demand, explain the benefits to you as a consumer, and urge passage of the bill. 

TAKE ACTION #2 - Written Testimony

Written testimony will be included in the paperwork the committee will receive but likely won’t be read at the hearing.

You can email testimony to, the Administrative lead for the Agricultural Committee. Please be succinct in your testimony and follow up with Leigh at 404-656-5099 to make sure she receives your testimony. Testimony will be included in Committee packets until the morning of February 10.

TAKE ACTION #3 - Contact Your Rep

Please contact your State House Representative and urge him/her to support this bill.

Don’t know who represents you? Find out HERE.

Please make an extra effort to contact your State House Rep if s/he is on the House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee.


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