Subject: Tickets On Sale for the Farm-to-Fork Festival in Jackson, WY October 2-3!

Dear Friend,

While there has been a change in plans, Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund is still coming to Wyoming and we’d love to see you! Joel Salatin is no longer joining us but we have an exciting weekend planned.

On Friday evening, October 2, 2020, we are co-hosting an event entitled Wyoming Food Policy and the Future of Food. Wyoming Representative and FTCLDF Board member Tyler Lindholm, Representative Mike Yin, Senator Mike Gierau, local policy makers, myself, and others concerned with our food system will discuss the Food Freedom Act and potential future policies.

We will honor successes and discuss future policy improvements that could strengthen the local food system. This event is particularly important to FTCLDF and we hope you can join us for spirited remarks and conversation. Locally prepared appetizers, beer and wine will be served, and local music provided. Space is very limited. Buy your tickets HERE

Over lunch on Saturday, October 3 at the Farm to Fork Festival, speakers will address the audience on how the local food movement can rescue the U.S. food system, particularly in times of COVID–19. Saturday’s events include workshops, a farmers’ market, and lunch for purchase prepared by local partners.

Proceeds from both events will help ensure that FTCLDF continues to fight for a food system that supports farmers, ranchers, artisan producers, and consumers, and ensure our right to decide what we eat. I can’t wait to see you there!

Learn more about the events HERE or buy tickets HERE

Interested in sponsoring the event? Email me at for more details.

In good health,

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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