Subject: The Battle for Food Freedom is More Important than Ever

Hi Friend,

We at Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) offer our continued support for small farms and food producers during these difficult times. It is vital during these times that small farms thrive and that consumers have access to fresh, local, and nutrient dense food. Consumers are increasing their demand for locally grown food, and for good reason: buying from your local farmer avoids a long and unknown supply chain. We will continue to challenge any efforts that create obstacles to farm-to-consumer commerce.

Of course, our work at FTCLDF continues as usual as our members still need help remaining viable every single day. Staff is working remotely to keep serving our members.

One of our important current projects involves our quest to legally sell raw butter across state lines, and we have an update

Four years ago, we, along with our member Organic Pastures Dairy Company, filed a petition to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting that it permit the interstate sales of raw butter. The FDA bans the interstate sale and transport of raw milk and raw dairy products, including safe and delicious raw butter. We argued that the FDA lacks the legal authority to include butter in the interstate ban as this would change the legal standard of identify of butter. We’ve also argued that the chemical and biological properties of raw butter make it a safe product with very low pathogen growth. 

However, the FDA denied our request a few weeks ago and criticized the scientific studies we cited, without providing sufficient evidence to the contrary.

We now plan to ask the federal court to overturn the FDA’s decision. 

But we need YOUR support for this lawsuit to be successful. Please help to increase access to this nutrient-dense and safe food by donating today and finding out more details.

Thanks for being a part of this food freedom community.
Please stay healthy and safe.

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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