Subject: Tangles with the USDA

Hi Friend,

Happy Thursday! We hope you are staying warm wherever you are. I live in Maine, and it has been bitterly cold!

Today, we are sharing a story from farmer member Liz Cunningham of Cunningham Pastured Meats near Boise, Idaho. Liz shares her experience and frustration concerning the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and how we at the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) were able to help her when it mattered most.
I was so grateful to have FTCLDF there to help me during this nerve-wracking time. They were quick and got me connected with a very knowledgeable lawyer. There is no question that if you are selling meat, dairy, or homemade foods that you need to have an FTCLDF membership.
- Liz Cunningham

Member testimonials are invaluable to our organization. The feedback either confirms that we are on the right track or indicates that we need to improve.

Read the whole story HERE and see how we were able to help Liz.

On another note, we alert you, our readers, of food freedom related legislation on the state and federal levels. If there's a bill in your state that you think our readers would like to know about, please submit any bill info that you have via our Contact Form.

Have a super week!

- Kat
P.S. I am working on a project and have a question for our farmer readers.
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