Subject: Survey Says: Members’ Favorite FTCLDF Benefits

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Dear Friend,

Well, FTCLDF turned 14 this past Independence Day! Thanks so much to our early supporters for sticking with us all of these years! We could not (and would not) have done it without you. And thanks to our new supporters for helping us grow in our second decade of protecting access to foods from small farmers!

Thank you for all that you do to work towards a better food system. During this past year, members kept us as busy as ever. And we have a renewed sense of why we do what we do: to strengthen our food system by increasing access to local foods from small producers.

In addition, thank you to all of you who completed our membership survey. According to our recent member survey, our members’ top three favorite member benefits are:
  • Possible legal representation if there is a court case on matters that are within FTCLDF’s mission statement (23%),
  • Unlimited consultation with attorneys after the first six months of membership on matters within the mission statement. Up to two hours of consultation with an attorney immediately upon joining (19%), and
  • Use of toll-free 24/7 emergency hotline to speak with an attorney if there is a surprise visit or inspection (19%)
In addition, members continue to be concerned about access to raw dairy and meat processing; a number of obstacles to providing food directly to consumers continues as well.

See all member benefits, types, and low annual fees HERE.

Stay tuned for a full summary of the member survey, after we receive snail mail responses from those members without internet.

In good health,

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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