Subject: Spring and Summer Success Stories

Dear Friend,

As you know, we help our members navigate the rules and regulations concerned with providing food to their communities. The last few months, we highlighted some such member stories on our website. If you missed them, see summaries below and links to the full stories.

We had Logan and Jessica Peck of Rooster Dirt Farm fighting with their local government to sell mushrooms just as COVID-19 concerns were escalating. Without contacting the Pecks first, local government removed Rooster Dirt Farm mushrooms from the venues to which they sell, all for unfounded allegations. Read Local Government Tries to Shut Down Virginia Farm

Then Chris Couch of Dreaming Tree Farms is still battling his county commissioner over the tax rate charged to his customers on his prepackaged salads, delivered weekly. Last we heard, his county has spent $31,000 of taxpayer dollars trying to strong arm this small farmer into having his customers pay an unfair and higher tax rate. Read County Tax Commissioner Wastes $26,000 Fighting Small Farmer Over Serving Size Definition

And finally there was brand new farmer Julie Friend of Wildom Farm who rescued some factory farmed pigs from being wasted because processing plants were closing due to COVID-19. The meat was donated to families in need as long as they participated in processing day. Read New Farmer Donates Pork Destined for Euthanasia to Families in Need

Here’s to a more just and effective food system.

In good health,

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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