Subject: Raw Milk Under Attack in Kansas – Your Voice Counts!

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Dear Kansas reader,

We have been letting you know about Kansas Senate Bill 300 (SB 300) that would make raw milk unlawful, and SB 308 that would add a host of burdensome requirements. 

As we’ve said, we think there may a hearing about this before the Senate Agricultural Committee soon. 

If you are a raw dairy farmer, FTCLDF member, or raw dairy consumer in Kansas, and are willing to help, please contact me as soon as possible by replying to this email. It always helps for the legislature to hear from hard working folks who are producing healthy products, their supporters, and consumers when these kinds of laws are discussed.

I hope to hear from you to help us defeat these troubling laws.

Thanks for your help,

- Alexia Kulwiec, FTCLDF Executive Director
Kansas Raw Milk

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