Subject: Producing Raw Milk in WASHINGTON Could Get Easier - Act Now!

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Hi Friend,

Raw milk is lawful in the State of Washington but state requirements can make it prohibitive for small farmers. Dairy producers must be licensed and milk must be bottled in accordance with process and sanitary standards established by law. 

House Bill (HB) 2861 is scheduled for a public hearing before the House Rural Development, Agriculture, & Natural Resources Committee on Wednesday, February 5. This bill would exempt certain small producers from the current requirements.

Please see action steps below and share this alert with friends and family in Washington.

- Alexia Kulwiec, FTCLDF Executive Director
Washington Raw Milk Action Alert

Let your House representatives know that you support this bill. 

A small farm under the bill includes only two dairy cows or nine goats/sheep. Perhaps you would support an even broader bill.

A phone call is much more effective than an email. And remember to keep the conversation polite and to-the-point.

Don't know who represents you? Find out who represents you HERE

Make sure to contact your representative immediately if he/she is one of these on the House Committee on Rural Development, Agriculture, & Natural Resources because the bill has been referred to this committee and will be heard February 5 at 8 a.m.: 

Blake, Brian (Chair)
Shewmake, Sharon (Vice Chair)
Chandler, Bruce
Dent, Tom
Chapman, Mike
Dye, Mary
Fitzgibbon, Joe
Kretz, Joel
Lekanoff, Debra
Orcutt, Ed
Pettigrew, Eric
Ramos, Bill
Schmick, Joe
Springer, Larry
Walsh, Jim 


If possible, attend the hearing on Wednesday, February 5 at 8 a.m. at:

House Hearing Room B
John L. O'Brien Building
504 15th Ave SW Olympia, WA 98501
Olympia, WA [directions]


You can read the bill and check its status HERE.

If you’d like to make a donation to support the work of Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund to bring you these informative legislative updates and work to improve federal and state laws, please donate HERE. | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
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