Subject: Pennsylvania: Ask Your Senator to Vote YES on Agritourism Bill!

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Hi Friend,

Pennsylvania House Bill 1348 (HB 1348), also known as the Agritourism Activity Protection Act, passed the House and is up for a vote in the Senate.

HB 1348 would provide limited protection for those offering safe on-farm agritourism activities, with certain exceptions. These activities could include tours or entertainment related to agricultural production, rural lifestyle, or harvesting. The bill would protect farmers from frivolous lawsuits and force participants to acknowledge that there are inherent risks on farms.

Passing this bill could help struggling farmers all over Pennsylvania especially while many area residents are looking for safe and educational escapes during quarantine.

Please call your State Senator and urge him/her to vote YES on HB 1348. The Senate could vote on the bill any day.

In good health,

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director

Contact your State Senator and urge her/him to support HB 1348. You can look up who represents you at

Remember that making a phone call is far more effective than sending an email.

Tell your State Senator how this bill would help you if passed.

Thank you for taking action!
More Info

If passed, HB 1348 could provide Pennsylvania farmers another economic opportunity without having to worry about a liability lawsuit relating to normal farm risks bankrupting the farm. According to the bill, a specific warning notice would have to be posted on the property where the agritourism would be taking place and participants would have to sign an agreement that they acknowledge the risk of participating in the activity. Protection would not apply if the agritourism provider were negligent or reckless. Also, overnight stays, conferences and weddings would be excluded from covered agritourism activities.

Read the full bill HERE.


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