Subject: New Indiana Food Freedom Bill

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Hi Friend,

There is a proposed new bill in the Indiana legislature, HB 1103, that would make it easier for home-based vendors to sell food or food products that are made, grown, or raised at the home vendor's primary residence. This would include permitting internet sales of non-hazardous foods and the delivery of foods by a third party carrier.

Right now, this includes a provision concerning poultry, in addition to vegetables and home baked goods and other non-hazardous foods.

I am not asking you to take any specific action yet. However, if this is something you would be interested in being involved with, such as providing testimony or phone calls to state legislators, please let me know.

You may email me directly at

Thank you for all you do for the food freedom movement.


Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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