Subject: NEWS DIGEST: Adulterated: The Most Significant Term in Food Law

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Farmer Gardener Consumer Collage
Thursday, October 4
Hi Friend,

Happy first week of October! It is a beautiful time of year, and we are enjoying the changes that fall brings and the promise of fall foliage! This week we have the third installment of Dr. Fisher's series about the term "adulterated" and a collection of member photos from September.

We are also highlighting our upcoming Fundraiser Reception and breakfasts in Baltimore at the annual Wise Traditions Conference November 15-18. 

Lastly, we are always seeking additional legal assistance in helping to secure food freedom for members and consumers across the country. Sometimes our attorneys on staff need to partner with an attorney in a specific state for legal work, and this requires a vast network of attorneys across the country. We want to expand our attorney network in each state to ensure that we are able to continue to support the unique and ever-increasing needs of our members. Attorneys working with the FTCLDF help members protect their rights to sell nutrient-dense foods from small family farms, keep backyard chickens, market homemade ferments, and more. If you are an attorney and would like to learn more, please contact Katherine Ghantous at

Thank you for reading, and have a great week!

Adulterated: The Most Significant Term in Food Law

Dr. Michael Fisher joins the FTCLDF website as a monthly contributor. Dr. Fisher is a retired United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Services (FSIS) veterinarian, bringing decades of experience enforcing FSIS regulations during the slaughter and processing of animals for which the USDA provides inspection services.

In Dr. Fisher's third installment, he explains the term "adulterated," arguably the most significant term in food law.

Join us at our upcoming Fundraiser Reception and breakfasts in Baltimore at the annual Wise Traditions Conference November 15-18. The conference will have the following tracks (something for everyone!): 
  • Farming/gardening
  • Nourishing traditional diets
  • Cancer and more!
At the Fundraiser Reception on Thursday, November 15 from 6-9 p.m., we'll have speakers from the frontlines of the food freedom movement; a selection of nutrient-dense, organic and local foods; great company and new friends; and the announcement of this year's Never-A-Doormat Award winner.

Proceeds benefit The Campaign for Real Milk and us, the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund.

For more details on the Conference and to register for the conference, the Reception, or conference breakfasts each day, visit
September Member Photos

Every Monday is Member Photo Monday where we feature a member photo on our Instagram and Facebook pages. Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund is proud of our members, and we take great pleasure in highlighting their operations and the awesome work they are conducting in sustainable farming, animal husbandry, artisanal production, and homesteading.

Thankful Thursdays
The Giving Season is Almost Here!

We have set up a new system for making donations in a snap! Your contributions will have a big impact for our real food community—just a $10 monthly recurring donation would make a significant difference for our members. Please consider setting up a recurring donation or making a one-time donation. Show your support as a friend of the farm, and tell our farming community how important they are.

Who We Are/What We Do

Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF), a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, defends the rights and broadens the freedoms of family farms and artisan food producers while protecting consumer access to raw milk and nutrient-dense foods.

Learn more About Us. | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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