Subject: More Action Needed for KANSAS Raw Milk!

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Hi Friend,

Last week, we alerted Kansas readers to the fact that the Senate Committee is trying to rush through a new raw milk bill that would place strict labeling requirements and penalize any so-called misleading advertising of raw milk.

It is our understanding that the Kansas Senate Agriculture Committee is working on edits to the bill this week.

We urge you, as a Kansas resident, to contact the Senate Ag. Committee members quickly as they are currently working on the bill (see contact info at bottom of alert.)

Senate Bill 346 (SB 346) mandates the below label or its equivalent: "This product contains raw milk that is not pasteurized and could contain bacteria that may cause foodborne illness.”

Please see action steps below and share this alert with your friends and family in Kansas.

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director

First, urge the Committee to adopt the previously introduced language or at least strike the current language as indicated below.

"This product contains raw milk that is not pasteurized and could contain bacteria that may cause foodborne illness.

The language previously introduced after receiving feedback from producers and consumers, requiring producers to meet less onerous labeling requirements should be used instead:

“The on-farm retail sale of milk or milk products shall be lawful, so long as each container of unpasteurized raw milk sold or offered for sale bears a label that is clearly visible and states the following or its equivalent in a clearly visible font size: ‘This product contains raw milk that is not pasteurized.’”

Second, SB 346 prohibits false or misleading advertising, concerns that are addressed elsewhere under Kansas law. Tell the Senate Ag Committee members that advertising should not be an issue to be regulated by the Secretary of Agriculture and that the Secretary of Ag certainly should not have the authority to issue civil penalties pertaining to advertising as suggested in the draft SB 346.

CONTACT INFO - Senate Ag Committee

Members of the Senate Agricultural Committee (click on each one below to view contact info):

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