Subject: Kansas Governor Signs Raw Milk Bill

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Kansas Governor Signs Raw Milk Bill into Law
A Victory for Labeling and Advertising of Raw Milk

Hi Friend,

The Kansas raw milk bill we have all been watching (SB 346), after being amended, has made its way through the state legislature and has now been signed by the Governor. 

Raw milk sales from the farm remain legal, and favorable adjustments were made to the rules on labeling and advertising.

After successful debate, the final labelling requirements are an improvement to the language introduced in the original bill, which sought to impose an 18-word warning on each container stating that the milk is unpasteurized and “…could contain bacteria that may cause foodborne illness.”

Many raw milk advocates rightfully pushed back against this requirement as being onerous and unnecessary. All those who attended or offered testimony at a legislative hearing on the bill, submitted comments to state legislators, or otherwise supported the effort should be applauded!

The bill the governor just signed requires a much-shortened label simply stating that the milk is raw and unpasteurized, which is more than sufficient to convey adequate information to consumers about the nature of the product. Any dairy product (or any product requiring refrigeration) that is improperly handled or stored could cause illness, and it just didn’t make sense to single out one product and require that it carry an overly alarmist warning. Educated consumers can and should be trusted to make their own informed purchasing decisions and we are gratified that the final bill reflects this.

In addition, prior prohibitions on off-farm advertising of raw milk have been removed. Before a judge ruled several years ago that the advertising ban was unconstitutional, producers were only allowed to erect signs on their farms that raw milk was available for sale. This restrictive approach wasn’t helpful to expand farm sales! The court’s ruling will benefit local producers now that the court’s ruling has been formally adopted and state law sanctions broadened marketing options.

Grass roots engagement in the legislative process helped inform legislators about the potential harm to farmers that the bill in its original form would have imposed. The end result for Kansas is no further restrictions to raw milk offerings, which allows consumers to access milk of their choice from the farmers of their choice. This effort is proof of the kind of success we can achieve when we band together for the common good to achieve our food freedom goals. Thanks to all who joined this effort and made a difference for food freedom!

In good health,

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director

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