Subject: Joel Salatin has a Message for You!

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Profitable Farm Workshop
Hi Friend,

Below is a letter from Joel Salatin, inviting you to join us at Marksbury Farm Market in Lancaster, Kentucky on Friday, August 10 for the Profitable Farm Workshop! Workshop proceeds support our important work so we can continue to protect the rights and freedoms to produce and access farm fresh foods.

Join Joel in Kentucky! Get your tickets HERE! They're selling quickly!

When America cares as much for food freedom as it does gun freedom, we'll have a more balanced civilization. I don't know any organization doing more to protect the freedom of food choice in America than the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF). Most people have no clue what food freedom is because the supermarkets are full of bright, stuffed packages. But where is the raw milk? The cottage-industry charcuterie? The homemade pot pies and backyard-processed and cured ham or bacon? Homemade pickles?

The list of criminalized products since the government started telling us what we could and could not sell is quite long. That prohibition list represents the yearnings of a host of innovative entrepreneurial farmers desperate to enter the food marketplace but are denied due to industrially facilitated regulations. Furthermore, we as consumers are denied the opportunity to procure the food of our choice from the source of our choice, to ultimately nourish our 3 trillion member internal bacterial microbiome with nourishing fuel.

The FTCLDF stands as a protector and defender of these freedoms. For several years, Polyface has hosted an annual fundraiser for the nonprofit, which offers real time 24/7/365 legal counsel to its members when we are harassed, tyrannized, or bamboozled by food police and bureaucrats. This year, we needed some time off and wanted to encourage others within this network to step up.

I'm donating my time to go out and support this effort; please join me, won't you? Let's keep food liberty cooking on the front burner of our lives. Thank you.

Joel Salatin
Polyface Farm

Join Joel in Kentucky! Get your tickets HERE! They're selling quickly!


Marksbury Farm Market
Event Info for Kentucky
Where: Marksbury Farm Market in Lancaster, Kentucky
When: Friday, August 10, 2018
Time: 9:30AM - 2:30PM
Cost: $225
What does my ticket include?
The 4-hour workshop includes a workbook, boxed lunch, and a copy of Charlotte's book, Farm Marketing from the Heart, plus additional tours and workshops!

Learn More & Buy Tickets HERE
Who We Are/What We Do

Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF), a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, defends the rights and broadens the freedoms of family farms and artisan food producers while protecting consumer access to raw milk and nutrient-dense foods.

Learn more About Us. | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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