Subject: It's Here! Updated State-by-State Review of Red Meat Slaughter Laws

Dear Friend,

As you recall from last year’s COVID-spurred meat crisis, it’s vital that there be options for accessing meat locally. We’ve been working hard on an update to our Red Meat Map and Chart which shows the laws regarding custom and on-farm slaughter in each state. We verified each state to ensure that the information listed is correct and up-to-date.

We even added a new color to the map for Wyoming which is now the only state that has animal share legislation, meaning state law on meat shares now allows the rancher to process specific cuts of meat for the owner(s) of a herd or animal. And there is similar legislation coming up in other states so look out for a possible action alert in your state. We would love to be able to make more positive changes to the map and chart!

To the chart, we added a regulations and statutes column so that it’s easier for you to look up your state’s specifics on your own. We also made the headings of the chart static so that, for instance, if you live in my home state of Wisconsin, you no longer need to scroll back to the top to be reminded of the column’s meanings.

As always if you’re a member (just $125 a year for farmers!) and you’d like help navigating this issue for your own livestock, feel free to Contact Us.

Thanks for being a part of this food freedom community.

In good health,

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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