Subject: Independent Farmers Need Your Support!

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Dear Small Farm Supporter,

As we work to overcome the triple threat to independent farms of inflation, climate change, and increased regulation, I wish to introduce you to Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF).

FTCLDF protects, defends, and broadens the rights and viability of independent farmers, artisanal food producers and their consumers. This means providing direct legal representation to small producers who face a food regulatory system intended to govern the large industrial food system. It means working to change policy to support independent farms and food producers and providing legal education to small farms and producers.

We do all this through very low membership fees, and the generous support of donors, consumers and all who care about a fair food system. From encouraging lawful expansion of local sales, to drafting herd-share agreements, to defending against alleged violations, “We’ve got your farmer’s back!”

I encourage you to learn more on our website
To donate please visit HERE
To join as a consumer member visit HERE

YOUR SUPPORT will ensure the growth and success of independent producers.

As demand for a local, healthy and sustainable food system grows each year, independent producers face increasing obstacles to meeting this need. FTCLDF needs to grow to meet this need and seeks your support to do so. 

To donate, click HERE

To learn more, you can email us at or call our office at 703.208.(FARM)3276

Together, we can increase direct legal representation and resources to work toward policy change that supports independent producers and building a decentralized and resilient food system.

Thank you,

Alexia Kulwiec, Executive Director | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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