Subject: Increased Programming & Services for Members and More

Dear Friend,

You may recall that in 2020, FTCLDF began its members-only webinar series, which was well attended and I think, interesting to our membership. In 2021, these will be quarterly events.

As a reminder, the programming kicks off this year on January 28, 2021. We are offering a free members-only webinar with farm marketing expert Charlotte Smith, entitled “How to Find & Engage with Customers on Social Media.” The one-hour webinar will be held at 9 a.m. Pacific, 11 a.m. Central, 12 p.m. Eastern. Members will receive an email with webinar sign-up instructions on Monday, January 25. Find out more about the virtual event HERE. If you are not yet a member, join now so that we can better serve you! If your annual membership has expired, Renew here.

We are in the process of choosing topics for the next three quarters of 2021, so if there is something specific you’d like to see, please let us know. Similarly, we hope to begin to develop additional members’ only educational resources. You can let us know your interests by emailing

Finally, if you donated to FTCLDF in the month of December, thank you! Those who donated to FTCLDF in December were entered to win one of three grand prizes which were offered by our generous sponsors. The winners were already randomly selected and contacted. They are Gary in Texas, Laurie in New York, and Kathy in North Carolina.

The grand prizes were:
  • One Herdshare School online course from Bees Knees Farm created to guide through the business and herdsmanship of launching a raw milk herdshare program (Get $25 off the full course with discount code FTCLDF or get a course sneak peek with free lessons HERE),
  • One Farm Marketing from the Heart online course from Charlotte Smith’s 3 Cow Marketing designed to help small farmers develop a strategy to sell out, or
  • One year of Kettle & Fire 100% grass-fed and grass-finished, certified glyphosate-residue-free, bone broth (Didn’t win? Get 15% off HERE!)
Thanks for being a part of this food freedom community.

In good health,

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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