Subject: How's Your Farm Business?

Hi Friend,

We are starting to see a lot of changes in our food supply as a result of COVID-19. Large meat processing plants are closing in South Dakota, Iowa, Pennsylvania, and likely more to come as workers become ill from COVID-19. Perhaps this can lead to changes in the regulation of processing plants and our meat supply generally. 

Meanwhile, reports suggest that consumer demand for local sustainably grown food is increasing. Some farms are moving to delivery or online sales as local farmers markets are closed or place restrictions on sales, prohibiting the gathering of crowds. Member farms are seeing an increasing number of orders and I know that they are working harder than ever. 
We at Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund are thrilled about this silver lining in the COVID-19 situation. We want to learn more about what’s happening and better serve our members as they begin to consider making changes to how they provide farm fresh or artisan food directly to consumers.

Some members are concerned about keeping their increased consumer base going forward after the COVID-19 crisis is over. On May 7, 2020, we are offering a free members-only webinar with farm marketing expert Charlotte Smith, entitled “3 Steps to Keep Customers Coming Back after the Pandemic is Over.” The one-hour webinar will be held at 10:00 a.m. Pacific, 12:00 p.m. Central, and 1:00 p.m. Eastern time. Only members can attend. So if you’re not a member yet, I suggest you hurry to become one. Members will receive an email with webinar sign-up instructions on May 4. 

In addition, we'll be sending members a survey so that we can learn more about how COVID-19 is impacting farm and food producing operations and what needs members have as a result. We wish to always improve our service and representation. 

Farmers, homesteaders, and artisan food producers, thank you for feeding the country with fresh wholesome food. Consumers, thank you for your support that assists in making direct-to-consumer food available. To all our readers, if you are not yet a member, consider becoming a member today. It is more important than ever. Join now!

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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