Subject: How to Find & Engage with Customers on Social Media: Members-Only Webinar

Dear Friend,

On January 28, 2021, we are offering a free members-only webinar with farm marketing expert Charlotte Smith, entitled “How to Find & Engage with Customers on Social Media.” The one-hour webinar will be held at 9 a.m. Pacific, 11 a.m. Central, 12 p.m. Eastern. Only members can attend. So if you want to attend but you’re not a member yet, make haste to become one. Members will receive an email with webinar sign-up instructions on Monday, January 25.

Our intention is for this webinar to help our farmer, homesteader, affiliate, and artisan food producer members find and engage new customers using social media. The webinar will help you if you are looking to build your customer base for an existing or new food business.

Charlotte Smith will teach this live virtual webinar. Charlotte is the owner of Champoeg Creamery and Charlotte Smith Pastured Meats, a small, diversified farm in Oregon’s Willamette Valley. She produces raw milk, grass fed beef, pastured pork, pastured poultry and eggs from her 75 rotated acres and sells all products from her farm store. She transformed her farm from really struggling to hugely profitable and sustainable without compromising product, cutting corners, or slogging it out by herself for years. After seeing and hearing from so many small farmers going out of business, Charlotte began, an online marketing training company that is helping save small farms across the U.S.! She’s helped over 10,000 farmers become more successful, increase profits, and finally have the farm life they’d dreamed of. Food Tank named her as one of the top 25 most influential women in the world in food and agriculture. Charlotte is a sought-after presenter and served on the FTCLDF board.

Farmers, homesteaders, and artisan food producers: thank you for feeding your community with fresh wholesome food. And consumers, thank you for your support in making direct-to-consumer food in demand. These quarterly members-only webinars are just one of the ways we at FTCLDF are working to make membership even more beneficial. Check out other benefits HERE.

If you are not yet a member, consider becoming a member today so that we can better serve you. Join now! If your annual membership has expired, Renew here. Make sure your membership is current by Friday, January 22 to attend this business-changing webinar.

Thanks for being a part of this food freedom community.

In good health,

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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