Subject: How One Farm Regenerates the Land with Pigs

Dear Friend,

We are excited to share a series of articles about how long-time FTCLDF farmer members John and Holly Arbuckle raise pigs regeneratively in Maine. The Arbuckles wrote an article called, “How we’ve used pigs to restore the land” for Graze Magazine, an in-print publication, and we are re-publishing on our website with permission.

Of course, the current focus on regenerative livestock is primarily on cattle and poultry. Pigs are stereotyped for destroying the land, not revitalizing it. So, we know you’re interested in learning about how pigs, too, can be regenerative.

In the article, the Arbuckles outline how they have raised pigs to regenerate the soil for years, from selecting for pigs that do better on high-forage diets, to moving the swine at least every seven days, to planting no-till cover crops for them to eat, and so much more.

Read the full article HERE to learn how pigs are reviving the soil at Singing Pastures family farm.

Thanks for being a part of this food freedom community.

In good health,

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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