For example, a Michigan township refuses to apply the state’s 'Right-to-Farm' law, alleging that small farms are violating local ordinances, even when engaged in protected agricultural activities.
The Oregon’s Department of Agriculture demanded, without any rule change, that nearly all small, sustainable livestock and dairy operations obtain a Confined Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) permit.
In Maine FTCLDF is challenging the Department of Health and Human Services’ requirement that a small, local food producer obtain a costly commercial kitchen license in violation of the Food Sovereignty Act and Right to Food Constitutional Amendment.
Other states are pushing back on poultry processing permitted under federal exemptions, and many towns are creating zoning ordinances that affect small farms and homesteads. Provided legal and member services through more than 3,000 interactions with members, donors, and stakeholders. Worked to solve 600 member legal matters ranging from business licenses, to litigation, to government inspections, to neighbor complaints about livestock guardian dogs. Worked with hundreds of members to create dairy and meat agreements, flock share agreements, and support cottage (homemade) food operations. Provided educational resources both to FTCLDF members through webinars and at events throughout the country. Increased policy work to combat unfair food regulation, such as supporting the Processing Revival and Intrastate Meat Exemption Act (the PRIME Act)
FTCLDF sincerely thanks those who have supported this work throughout the year. Your continued financial support will provide increased legal representation and policy change that supports independent farms, food producers, and robust local food systems.
Thank you for making any financial contribution that you can. Any amount helps! |