Subject: Farm-to-Fork Dinner Raid

Hi Friend,
One of the many benefits of an FTCLDF membership is access to our 24/7 emergency hotline where you can immediately be connected to an attorney.

We hope you don't have to use this valuable member benefit, but in case of a farm raid, surprise inspector, or other emergencies, it offers a sense of protection that can't be beaten.

It's like having an attorney in your back pocket wherever you are!

Several years ago a farm raid occurred at Quail Hollow Farm in Nevada during a farm dinner. Laura Bledsoe, of Quail Hollow, shared the night's events in a letter with her CSA members and we would like to share that letter with you.

Read Laura's Letter HERE.

This incident shows the value of the 24/7 hotline for farmers like Laura who need help…even on a Friday night!

The emergency hotline is available thanks to the financial support of our many FTCLDF members and donors. We are so grateful for the opportunity to offer this service to FTCLDF members in need.

In 2018 we received over 150 emergency hotline phone calls. On average, that's one emergency call every two and a half days!

If you're interested in learning more about becoming a member and having access to your very own back pocket attorney, please contact us.

As always, have a super week!

- Kat | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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