Subject: Enjoy Expanded and Improved FTCLDF Food Freedom Resources!

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Enjoy Expanded and Improved FTCLDF
Food Freedom Resources

Dear Friend,

One of our most important jobs at FTCLDF is to keep our members and supporters informed on the most pressing issues threating food freedom.

We have been working to improve access to this knowledge base through our website both on our public Resources page, and through our Member Portal.

We invite our members to log in and visit our categorized Member Resources to enjoy webinars, podcasts, and articles! Be sure to check out some of our newest additions, and check back often for updates.

Now Available to View!
Members-Only Webinar: Legislative & Policy Updates
Recorded May 30, 2024

Our most recent webinar covers recent updates on federal policies including the Farm Bill, the Prime Act, RFID electronic ear tags, avian flu in dairy cows,

Special guests for this webinar include Christy Wright, Director of Policy for the Delaware Senate Republicans, and Stephanie Knutsen, a Delaware diary producer and FTCLDF member discuss the work they've done to move a raw dairy bill through the state legislature.  

Members log in to view.

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FTCLDF Adds More Resources
for Ranchers

From mandatory RFID tags to testing of cattle and ground beef for avian flu, to custom meat processing, we are helping our nation's independent ranchers navigate rough waters.

We invite ranchers to check out the following resources, and as always we love to hear directly from you about your concerns.

Members-Only Webinars, Podcasts and Articles (Log in)

Mandatory Electronic Ear Tags (RFID)

Big Beef – $1.28 Billion Rigged Game by Mike Callicrate

The Ear Tag Boys by Gilles Stockton

In good health,

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director, FTCLDF

One minute is all it takes to process your $10, $20, $50, or $100 gift to
Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund.  

Questions? Visit us on the web at
or call our offices at (703) 208-FARM (3276).

We invite you to follow us on social media for the latest updates.

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