Subject: Consider helping Members like Logan and Jessica

Dear Friend,

Jessica and Logan Peck produce a variety of mushrooms as well as pastured chicken eggs while following organic practices. They sell their Rooster Dirt Farm products in surrounding counties. 

The Pecks encountered trouble with their local government in mid-March when COVID-19 concerns were escalating. We communicated with the Pecks’ local government agencies when the farmers were erroneously accused of selling illegally prepared food. Thanks to us and the Pecks’ tenacity, they were selling again after two weeks. They’ve been members for years and are glad that membership fees have remained low. 

You see, often, we are the only way that farmers can push back against overzealous government agents. With your support for the food freedom movement, we continue to protect small farmers, ranchers, artisan producers, and consumers, to ensure our right to decide what we eat. And your donation keeps membership fees low (only $125 a year for farmers!).

If you donated last week for Giving Tuesday, our members and we thank you! If you haven't given yet, you can make a quick donation (only takes 3 minutes!) that will help keep small-scale farm fresh products available to everyone.

Ready to donate? CLICK HERE!

Also, I need to let you know that due to unforeseen circumstances, Charlotte Smith’s December 16 members-only webinar is postponed until January. The good news is that there is still time to join and have access to this members-only webinar. We’ll email you about it and post details HERE.

Happy holidays,

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director | 703-208-FARM (3276) |
8116 Arlington Blvd Suite #263, Falls church, VA 22042, United States
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